Moving is undoubtedly one of the most stressful events in our lives and even if you use the best moving companies, when you add kids into the equation things are likely to get pretty challenging!


Packing boxes becomes a major struggle with little ones emptying them as quickly as you can fill them, and the moving day itself is fraught with tears and tantrums because of having to say goodbye to friends and neighbours.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way and it is actually possible to move house with children in tow without feeling like you’re going to have a nervous breakdown! With just a little planning, patience and a sense of humour it could even become a great learning experience.

Here is our guide to stress free and kid friendly removals:

Pack when the kids are out

Anyone with kids will know that packing up their belongings whilst they’re in the vicinity is a worthless exercise; no sooner have you filled them, your darling little ones appear exclaiming that they’ve been looking for the toy you’ve buried deep inside the box (that they haven’t played with for the past two years) and insist on getting out again immediately.

Avoid turning this part of the experience into a tug of war, and try to pack their rooms whilst they’re at school or visiting a helpful relative. If your children show an interest in packing and want to help, encourage them to join in, in another room like the lounge.

Have a checklist

When you move house, whether you have kids or not, it’s inevitable that due to the stress and chaos you’ll forget to do something important. Usually this is redirecting the mail or registering with a new doctor.

Avoid this problem by starting a checklist as early into the move as possible. Jot down everything that needs to be done, and assign people responsible for doing each task wherever possible. It’s also a good idea to keep the list, or a pad and paper by your bed at night ready for writing down all the things you remember before you drop off to sleep.

Keep the essentials close

On moving day, don’t pack everything in the removal van. Keep a bag or box with you containing the essentials you’ll need for you and the children. Some handy items include drinks bottles, a kettle, toilet roll and cleaning wipes.

Get outside help

If AT ALL possible arrange for someone to look after the children whilst you physically move house. Don’t underestimate the sheer chaos moving brings with it, the last thing you’ll want to be doing is looking after over-excited children whilst putting together beds or cleaning a new property. Accept any help that’s offered – even if it’s only for a few hours.

After the move

After the initial excitement of a new house and area, don’t be surprised if your children find it difficult to settle immediately. Try to keep to the same routine you had previously and encourage them to talk about their fears and emotions.  

A great way to help them settle into a new area and make friends is to take them along to a few local clubs or groups.  



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Last Update: Thursday, 12th June 2014