Though there are obvious dangers when it comes to wildlife in the outdoors, especially in places that are considered ‘wild,’ but in the last few months, wild animals have started to venture beyond the limits previously established by human activity. There have been a number of reports about wildlife reclaiming certain suburbs and cities in the wake of the coronavirus and stay at home orders. I have seen countless videos of foxes and bears trotting down city streets, but being at home poses its own set of dangers when it comes to wildlife.

With families staying at home more, and with streets being less busy, wildlife is more likely to journey closer to human neighborhoods. With this also comes a certain set of dangers. Whether you live in a rural area, suburb, or city, it is important to consider the ways in which wildlife may pose a threat–especially for children and pets. 

 One critter that might pose a significant threat is snakes. Though snakes tend to be quite skittish and shy creatures, often attacking in a defensive manner[1], this in itself suggests that snakes may actually pose a threat to people given the quarantine restrictions currently in place. With fewer people outside, snakes may feel more comfortable entering the areas in and around where humans usually exist. Though most snakes in the US are not harmful to people[2], there is a risk that a venomous snake may venture close to home. If you do have a snake near your home, find out how to identify a snake to discover if it poses a threat. 

Because they are cold-blooded, they may take up residence under a porch to regulate their temperature[3], or in a patch of tall grass. Try to keep the grass as short as possible in order to minimize the possibility of being bitten.  

Larger animals like coyotes, bears, and mountain lions are also starting to journey into land often taken up by people. Of course, the threat of bears and mountain lions is one long known and understood. But, similar to threats concerning snakes, these predators may be more likely to infiltrate human areas. Children and pets are especially vulnerable, especially to mountain lions, as they are not big enough to be able to take down an adult[4]. Small pets may also be vulnerable to coyotes. 

Seeing as the main dangers involve being in areas outside where there are few people, in order to mitigate the risks that wildlife coming into human neighborhoods poses, limiting the amount of time spent outside alone is the most effective course of action until stay-at-home orders are lifted or loosened and people begin populating the places that they once did. 

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[1] “Snakes In and Around the House.” National Pesticide Information Center,

[2] Ibid

[3] Priority Pest Control Services. “What Attracts Snakes: Professional Licensed Home Pest Control & Exterminator.” Priority Pest Services and Crawl Space, 30 July 2018,

[4] Kantor, Jonathan H., et al. “10 Dangerous Animals Lurking In Your Backyard.” Listverse, 15 Mar. 2017,

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Last Update: Tuesday, 9th June 2020