Learning Resources sent us the new products from the New Sprouts range: healthy snack set and fresh picked fruit & veggie tote. Noah and Isla just love playing shops, filling up their shopping bags and baskets with fruit and vegetables, snacks and it’s great watching them having fun.


Playing shops is top of the list in the Constant household, we are asked constantly what we want from the shop, what we want to eat and we are then given our chosen items to eat. Pretending to eat it whilst they watch in delight! The fresh picked fruit & vege set is great, you get all the popular fruit and vege, food that the children recognise and a lovely little shopping bag that fits it all in. The only food the children were unaware of were apricots and onions, so we had to explain what these foods  were – but that’s the whole point of learning whilst you play! The healthy snack set was a little more interesting as there were foods that looked a little different to what we get at home, pretzels for example. This sparked an interesting debate amongst the adults in the family as apparantly they look like “poops”, Nanny got a little shock I think one day as she thought the dogs had done a whoopsie on the playroom floor. So now they are refered to as poops. We have told the children what they are really called, but I think they like calling it a poop, they think it’s funny! But at least we have learnt what a pretzel is.


The food feels really good quality, not cheap plastic that bends and tears within minutes, this product is durable and toddler proof! They all still look as good as new. It is a big big bonus to me, to have a toy that is child proof. Else what is the point?  You spend less money on cheap and nasty items and they last 2 minutes, at least with Learning Resources, albeit, a little more money than some other brands, they are better quality and last forever. I cannot praise this toy enough, it is helping the chilren learn counting, colours and the idea of shopping too. It’s lots of fun and looks good enough to eat too!


Here is a little video of Noah and Isla playing shops with their new food:


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Last Update: Thursday, 19th July 2018