We recently joined the Asmodee Board Game Club, which we are absolutely thrilled with. We are huge fans of Asmodee games, we especially love Dobble. It is a winner with the kids and when we have dinner parties with other grown ups! Board Game Club means we get to review different board games each month and share our thoughts and tips with you. We have started off with a really fun action family game called: Just One. It’s a team player game where we can help each other in our own little way.

Setting up the game

It didn’t take too long to set up the game, under 5 minutes, it’s a simple case of giving everyone a wipe-able pen, a mini easel and you shuffle the cards. Something to consider before you start playing: how many of you are playing and their ages? We played in a three; Mummy, Noah and Isla. Isla is the youngest, who is 8, when she was on her own we helped her a little. But, apart from that they grasped the concept really quickly and we had lots of fun. We took it in turns to be the guesser, which was a great idea and it was fabulous to see the kids getting creative.

You need to place 16 cards, face down, on the table and the rest are the discard pile on the side.

Just One

Playing the game

First up Isla was the guesser, we went from youngest to eldest and stuck to that pattern. Isla chose her card from the pile. She must not look at the card and she places it at the back of her easel (there is a little shelf for the cards to go). You face the card away from you so you cannot see the words. The words are then shown to the rest of the group.

The guesser must choose a number from 1-5. This was the point where we helped Isla, as she is younger, we told her the numbers that we felt were harder. So she could make an informed decision on what number to pick. It worked well as she always guessed them correctly.

When the guesser has chosen their number, the rest of the group write a clue (not the word) on their easel.

Just One Game play

The group confer and discuss their clues, there cannot be any duplicate words. All duplicate words must be discarded. Fortunately we always had different clues. It made us giggle at the words we chose, it brought awareness to how differently we all think. But how combined the words all helped to get to the right word.

Just One Easel

Then the guesser has to try and work out what the word is on their card. We made this game a little more generous as the children are younger. The rules are you get one guess, hence the name Just One. So we gave the children a few practice comments until they got into the swing of it.


If you guess correctly, you win the card. The player with the most cards wins.

Our thoughts

It is really hard to think of the words when you do not know what they are. It made us all giggle a lot when we said something silly or inaccurate. Noah thought it was hilarious that Mummy didn’t get the word straight away on her go and I lost my card. It’s perfect to play if you want to break up the day, or after your evening meal. I love playing games with the kids and they enjoyed this too.

Just One

Just One is currently £16.99 from Amazon and comes with Prime Delivery, so you can get it delivered the very next day! Great fun for family parties and those rainy Autumn days. We just love board games and are so honoured to be a part of this club.

Disclaimer – We received this game in exchange for our honest review, as part of the Asmodee Board Game Club.


I mentioned our favourite game Dobble, here is a little video preview from my YouTube of us playing it during a dinner party:

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Last Update: Wednesday, 9th September 2020