I adore little duckies, as some of you may know, I had a pet duck when I was little and I loved it so much (until he got too big and we had to take him to the local farm), little quackers gave us so much pleasure. When I saw that Gilbert had been chosen by bathrooms.com to be their new mascot it gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. He is just so cute.

Bathrooms.com have announced a national search for an official duck tester to sample a Bathrooms.com bath and be an official duck tester ambassador. The six ducks to test the bath will go against each other for a chance to be granted the official position.
What does Gilbert have to do as the new mascot I hear you wonder? He will test the bathtubs of course! The successful duckling, a Khaki Campbell domesticated breed, was submitted by owner Gemma Dodd, from Newbury, after seeing the advert in the Metro on Thursday 31st April 2015 in their job section. You can see more about the contest on the official bath tester page. Though not the most traditionally attractive duckling of all the candidates, Gilbert stood out from the rest of the applicants for his overall enthusiasm on tasks, scoring highly in the splash-ability and general comfort in the bath tests. It was also noted that on occasion, levels of interaction with the recruitment team were positive, and the adjudicator developed a rapport with the duckling.
Bathrooms.com are giving away a beautiful Wonderful You hamper from Lush to the lucky winner, how exciting, enter below:
Competition closes midnight Saturday 4th July 2015.

Bathrooms.com have announced a national search for an official duck tester to sample a Bathrooms.com bath and be an official duck tester ambassador. The six ducks to test the bath will go against each other for a chance to be granted the official position.
Pig 🙂
Goats are my favourite.
It has to be a duck – my daughter was obsessed with them when she was tiny and used to sit in her buggy excitedly signing ‘duck’ whenever we were near water!
Pig 🙂 I love them 🙂 x
Piggies 🙂 So cute!
Goats…they’re so friendly! At least the ones at the nearest farm to me are.
i love cows moooo
I have always loved pigs as I child I collected them!
chickens…funny little creatures
Love cows. 🙂
My answer: sheep
Llamas not on all farms but they do make me laugh!
I love goats!
pigs – read Sam pig stories as a child and wanted a pig of my own
A cow x i just think there so cute x
Cows are my favourite they always seem so serene x
Got to be a goat
My favourite farm animal is a cow!
my favourite is pigs
I love ducks too, don’t know how people can eat them after feeding them in the park 🙁
Chickens. They always sound so happy as they cluck away to each other.
I like them all but if I have to choose then cows
I love Pigs!
my favourite farm animals are pigs
I love chickens, we have 3 in our back garden and they lay eggs daily. My granddad kept chickens when I was little and I loved going in and feeding them and collecting eggs.
A cow, I love their big, soppy eyes 🙂
Mine are cows!
I like them all! I am a huge animal lover 🙂
Piglets 🙂
Favourite farm animal… definitely pigs. They’re cute, clever, and very very tasty.
Sheep, my Wife loves them and collects all things sheepy!
I do love fluffy chicks
I love pigs 🙂
Geese – though they can be vicious!
I love pigs x
Fun comp!
I like pigs.
I love the donkeys – too cute.
Piglets 🙂
Chickens still love them now!
Chickens nothing better than a nice free range egg!!
a pig
Pigs (mostly lil piglets with their lil snorts awwww)
Love little piglets 😀
Goats – eat everything in sight lol
Has to be pigs!
Goats 😀
I’m not a lover of farm animals. Baby goats (kids) whilst they are small are the most attractive.
I’ve done everything, but the rest haven’t unlocked for me.
Probably because I tweeted myself and didn’t use the app. I object to have things able to post on my pages so don’t use them.
I’ve never actually put any thought into it before, but I guess it would be the chicken. They are delicious.
Pigs, so cute
Has to be Horses for me 🙂
Pigs – They are so cute!
A pig
lambs in the springtime are the best 🙂
Lambs are so cute
I really like cows they’re so sweet
I love cows 🙂
I love them all but I love horses and their gentle eyes.
the sheep
sheep 🙂
I love Highland Cattle x
Gloucester Old Spot
Has to be a sheep living in Wales x
I love them all but especially horses
pigs and piglets