Productivity is the measure of how one finishes a task efficiently. It also means concentrating on something meaningful, giving you a powerful sense of fulfillment. We all crave to stay productive. Productivity can give you a sense of purpose, energy, focus, and conviction and generally make you feel good. Productivity helps you grow and lift your moods.

As you crave to stay productive, if possible, all day long, realize that several determinants and factors influence your level of productivity daily. Remember also that you cannot be productive overnight. So, be kind to yourself, especially your mistakes, and follow the following principles to help you lead a more productive life.

The Science of Productivity

On average, a person wastes about 31 hours attending unproductive meetings. Additionally, you will likely waste 13 hours per week writing, reading, and responding to emails. While it’s true that our bosses, coworkers, and the internet seem to be ordering most of your days, here are a few determinants to your daily productivity levels:

Health-related Factors

Unhealthy diets can lower your productivity levels, while other factors such as lack of exercise, smoking, and stress tend to decrease your workplace productivity. Overeating during your workday can also impair productivity.

Mental Health Factors

Mental illness can interfere with your ability to complete tasks. Cognitive health factors also interfere with your ability to cope with unavoidable circumstances and events and keep up with the day’s momentum.

Problem-solving Approach

Many studies indicate that a big part of being productive is directly linked to a problem-solving mindset and positive thinking. The problem-solving way of thinking helps you understand your independence and allow you to make adjustments needed for productivity.


Another factor that determines your productivity level is discipline. Discipline to maintain a schedule and stay organized weighs how productive you are likely to be. Discipline helps you stay focused and gives you the energy to accomplish your goals.

Set Up for Productive Success

If you wish to be someone who always has things done, then you need strategies to set you up for productive success. You might be tempted to look at highly effective people as machines, but by considering these strategies, you’ll learn how to work efficiently, overcome challenges, and boost your productivity.

Individual Preferences

Come up with the best daily routine you should follow for your individual preference and help you stay on top of things. Take note of a distraction list, too, to stay focused. With social media, emails, and thousands of things to do, it’s possible to get distracted from time to time. 

A distraction list can save you from wasting time. Keep this list by your working area either on Google Docs or on a piece of paper and add distraction thoughts to the list whenever they arise, then come back and tackle them once you take a break.

Set Priorities

When setting priorities for the day, it’s never about prioritizing what is on your schedule but scheduling your preferences. Ensure you prioritize your tasks early in the day and organize your time and resources based on the schedule. Once you prioritize your tasks, you need to embrace a time management strategy that suits you and get things done as planned.

Take Breaks

Know when to take a break! A break can increase your level of creativity and productivity. It refreshes your mind and replenishes your mental resources. Working on long stretches can cause stress, so take breaks to fill your physical health. Know also when to schedule for long breaks recharge like going on vacation or holiday.

Efficient Steps 

Work on your ability to hone in on a task and disregard distractions. Make every step you take efficient and also reduce time on repetitive tasks like commuting, balancing your daily chores with work responsibilities, or getting ready in the morning. Create a list of accessories and items you need to make your day productive. Make sure that you can access these items quickly, and if you use contacts or glasses, try experimenting with round glasses or other variations of glass frames and styles.   

Mix Things Up

You can also alternate contacts with glasses and mix things up for extra daily motivation. Take your daily medication and supplements, and don’t forget your wristwatch or any possession that can help you save time.

How to Cope With Lower Productivity

It’s unrealistic to expect yourself to keep up with the workload or the level of productivity you once sustained before unprecedented stress or uncertainty. Give yourself time to slow down, do less, and work on reducing your mental load. If you find out that some tasks are not getting done, do away with some of them. Above all, make joy and self-care a priority.  

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Last Update: Thursday, 25th August 2022

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