We’re all guilty of holding onto more items than we need. I think it’s usually a result of the sentimental value we give to possessions – perhaps it was a book gifted to you by a relative, or one you read to your kids when they were little, or a DVD boxset you’ve watched over and over again. However, the reality is: if you’ve used it, loved it and it’s now sitting on your shelf collecting dust, it’s probably time to give it a new home. Autumn is on the horizon, so why not start the new season with a post-summer clear out?

Not only could you make some extra cash by trading in your preloved items with apps like Ziffit, but you’ll create more space to enjoy your home and be helping the environment out along the way by contributing to the circular economy. I know the prospect of a clear out can sound like another task to add to your never-ending to-do list, but the benefits to you and your family can be huge, so I’ve collated my top five reasons a declutter should be on your autumn agenda.


Thanks to Maria Kondo and Stacey Soloman – and not to mention lockdown – we’ve talked a lot about decluttering over the past few years. But how many of us are guilty of enjoying the TV shows and not taking the first step to declutter for ourselves? We all have far more than we need and when you ask yourself ‘why?’, it’s difficult to come up with a rational answer to why we hoard stuff we don’t need.

Minimalism is a movement all about encouraging a simpler and less material way of life, and decluttering is the first step to getting there. Let’s face it. How many finished books, DVDs and outgrown toys do you have lying around or hidden in cupboards? Plus, the benefits of decluttering run much deeper than simply clearing space and becoming
organised – it does the world of good for your mind and body. Clutter can be a significant contributor to stress. Think of how many toys you tidy away during the day. If you had less, how much time would you save? How much easier would it be to clean the house? We have enough day-to-day stress to deal with, so decluttering can be a great way to create some breathing space.

TOP TIP: start with three labelled boxes; sell, donate and recycle, and get the kids to help you
decide which items should go into each respective box (just like Stacey Solomon does on her

Make money

Everyone is feeling the pinch at the moment. Energy bills went up, Netflix and Amazon Prime subscriptions increased and now everyday groceries cost an arm and a leg. Decluttering, however, is a great way to make a few extra quid on the side.

Trade in apps like Ziffit help you to tap into the hidden gold mines hiding within your home and earn extra cash. All you have to do is gather up any unwanted books, CDs, DVDs, and games and scan the barcodes using the Ziffit app. You could find yourself with a decent payment as a reward! And if you want to take things further, you can scour car boot sales and markets to become a ‘pro trader’ and you could earn hundreds.

It’s a handy method to keep the kids out of trouble by getting them to help with the scanning of barcodes too. With the extra cash you can take the family out for an ice cream!

Feed the circular economy

For me, decluttering is not only a great way to boost your income, but it feels good to know you’ve given unused items a new home and helped the environment by avoiding landfill. According to Wob’s 2022 report into the second hand book market, one in four consumers (27%) are now embracing the circular economy and increasing the number of books they sell.

Since becoming a mum myself, I’ve definitely thought more consciously about the impact my purchases and choices have on the planet and future that I will pass onto my children. Contributing to the circular economy by selling your preloved items is a great way to do your bit.

TOP TIP: you don’t need to declutter every room in one day. Start with five minutes a day and
walk around your home, gathering things you no longer want.

Refresh the house at the start of a new school year

I love the idea of a spring clean but if you live in a house with kids, your home will likely need more than an annual deep clean! As you’re getting ready for another school year, why not spend some time giving your house a bit of TLC too. Summer holidays and back to school gear can be pricey, so a renovation or new furniture might be off the agenda for now, but de-cluttering is a cost-efficient way of giving your home a makeover – and starting the new
school year feeling refreshed.

Plus, cleaning becomes a much easier task with less stuff to move out the way.

More on Ziffit

The Ziffit app is super easy to use and a fantastic way to declutter. You can even make it an fun activity with the kids – sending them on a mission to scan the barcodes of all your pre-loved books and DVDs. And you can earn some money back too – it’s win win!

For me, it feels good to know you’ve given unused items a new home and helped the environment by avoiding sending more stuff to landfill.

With the extra space I now have available, I’ve been working my way through the Wob.com website making a wishlist of books to get secondhand – guilt free, as Wob is part of the same circular economy group as Ziffit. It’s a great place to get back-to-school books cheaper than usual too! Just I need to make space for all the new books!

For more information visit www.wob.com / www.ziffit.com or find @wob.group on socials

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Last Update: Friday, 26th August 2022

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