We are more interested than ever in learning how to set up a home office for maximum comfort and efficiency. The ability to work remotely has become increasingly popular, and with many interim work from home positions becoming permanent, it is critical to ensure that the space that you have to work in is conducive to your needs. I love working from home, I feel more focussed with my tasks and I am happy in my own environment.
Hunching over a laptop on a settee or sitting at the kitchen table and using that as a home office are far from ideal home office solutions. Where we might have previously brushed off a little backache or eye strain, we must now prioritize our physical and mental well-being in order for WFH to function effectively over the long run.
A productive home-working existence, on the other hand, is by no means unattainable. Unless you can create your own balance and organization, you may find that you are significantly more productive at home than you are at your place of employment. Setting boundaries and organizing your workday are critical components of finding your home-working rhythm, but building a productive environment can also be a powerful tool for increasing your drive.
These practical suggestions can assist you in creating a home office that motivates you to get to work, facilitates concentration, increases comfort, and fosters creativity.
Create zones for work
It is becoming increasingly difficult to carve off personal space in busy households, small homes, and open-plan environments. There are several important factors to consider in this situation. Screen dividers can be relocated when not in use and can be folded away to save space.
If you are working from home, it is critical to carefully place items to divide your workspace in order to maintain a sense of separation. You must be able to turn off from your work environment, and a visible separation will aid you in doing so mentally and physically.
Set ground rules with the people you share a home with
If you live with other people, whether that is a partner, children or other housemates it is important to create clear limits surrounding your workplace and work hours as soon as possible. Explain your break schedule and encourage them not to interrupt you during your working hours.
Setting boundaries can be tough, especially when dealing with young children, but doing so can go a long way toward maintaining productivity and establishing a healthy work/life harmony.
Take regular breaks from your work
Short breaks are essential for increasing productivity because they allow us to separate ourselves from a work for a brief period of time, replenish and recharge, and then return with renewed energy and perspective. Breaks at normal offices are frequently triggered by natural interactions between coworkers, but in the home office, you will need to be more cognizant of when you need to take a break.
Breaks should be scheduled based on time or the accomplishment of tasks. They do not have to last more than a few minutes, but taking them on a regular basis will help you maintain a consistent level of energy and efficiency throughout the work day.
Keep clutter under control
Many home workers become victims of clutter since they do not have access to office cleaning services. Home offices can become hectic and disorganised as a result of this. You might significantly reduce your productivity, especially if you are unable to locate an important document! Make sure your office has enough of easily accessible, well-organised storage space to help you reduce clutter and save time.
Make yourself as comfortable as possible
It is easy to get caught up in the look and feel of a desk and lose sight of the importance of ergonomics in the workplace. The use of an incorrectly sized workstation that does not accommodate your body size and workflow may reduce productivity and cause aches and pains that can worsen over time.
Follow these seated desk ergonomic rules to achieve maximum productivity and comfort during the whole working day:
- The desk height should be between 28 and 30 inches above the floor; higher if you are taller than average.
- When you are sitting at your desk, your elbows should be at 90 degrees with your hands flat on the surface.
- In order to keep your wrists as flat as possible while typing, consider a desk with a keyboard tray attached.
- Make sure there is enough chair space for you to be able to stand up and sit down comfortably, as well as access all sections of the desk without twisting or straining.
If your work flow permits it, consider using a standing desk. In addition to greater productivity and awareness, standing desks have been related to a reduction in back and neck pain as well as a recduces risk of weight gain in some studies. However, it is important to remember that transitioning from sitting for eight hours a day to standing for eight hours a day is not recommended. A more secure solution would be to get an adjustable desk and gradually increase the amount of time spent standing each day on it.
In addition to ergonomic guidelines, the standing desk has the following features, which should be considered while comparing different options:
- The desk should be situated at a height that is approximately equal to the height of your navel
- Your elbows should be close to your body, and your forearms should be flat against the desk.
- Your wrists should be at a 90-degree angle to your forearm, with your fingers only slightly lifted to type on a computer keyboard.
- In order to avoid putting tension on your vertebrae, maintain a straight spine, shoulders back, and a level head when you stand.
- When you set up your screen, make sure the top of the display area is just below the level of your eyes
- Throughout the day, you can use a little footrest to shift the weight from one leg to the other.
- Make sure to wear shoes that are designed to provide support and comfort when walking.
Standing desk stools, which allow you to sit, lean, or perch while working, are highly recommended if you choose for a standing desk. There are many different types of standing desk stools available. The ability to benefit on the increased productivity that standing desks provide without the strain of standing independently for lengthy periods of time will be greatly enhanced with this support in place.
Consider your lighting
Ensure that windows are not blocked by furniture such as bookcases, wardrobes, or even high-backed seats or sofas in order to allow for more natural light to enter the room. This will aid to improve mental energy and increase overall productivity.
Sitting near a window, even for a few hours every day, will help you make the most of the natural light. Natural light is really important for health and well-being and has been found to increase worker satisfaction and productivity, so why would not you desire the same thing when working from home?
As a result of being exposed to natural light, you will not only feel more alert during the day, but you will also sleep better at night. If you do not have access to windows or natural light, full spectrum light bulbs can be used to simulate daylight in low-light situations. Reflective surfaces can also be used to bounce light around a room in different directions.
Bring the outdoors in
The presence of plants in the workplace has been found to increase productivity, which may seem strange at first.
According to a study conducted by Exeter University, employees who work in an environment with houseplants are 15 percent more productive as a result. Plants and flowers will provide a burst of color and life to your workspace, while also enhancing the air quality in the surrounding area. But which plants should you choose?
Besides being simple to cultivate, aloe vera is also well-known for having excellent air purifying properties, which remove typical household contaminants from the air. It also contains antimicrobial characteristics, and its gel can be applied topically to tiny cuts, grazes, and burns to aid in the healing process.
asy-to-grow herbs such as basil, rosemary, and mint will brighten your workspace with their natural scents, and they are also inexpensive. They will also come in handy when you are baking and cooking. Plants with a pleasant scent, such as lavender, have been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure, as well as promote a more calm and restful night’s sleep, which is essential for a productive workday.
Work with intent
Make a list of the things you need to perform each day, and then go to work on them. Be certain that you have access to everything you need to complete your tasks, whether it is at your office or on your computer. As you complete each thing on the list, cross it off.