No matter how hard you plan, the holidays seem to come on faster and faster every year. With everything going on in your world and everything else happening in the world at large, it can be difficult to find time to pull together gifts for the holidays. Luckily, you have several options to keep last-minute frantic shopping at bay. Keep reading for gift ideas that will be sure to satisfy everyone on your list. 

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Make a List

Before you even get to the act of buying gifts, it will be helpful to make a list of everyone you intend to shop for this season. The list will probably include your family and friends, of course, and other special people in your life such as your children’s teachers, caregivers, etc. Think about the activities and people you come into contact with daily and go from there.  

Perhaps you have a warm rapport with your hairstylist or grocer that you have been going to for years. Dog walkers, pet sitters, and postal carriers are others to put on your gifting list. If you attend an exercise class or frequent the same coffee shop routinely, consider some of the staff you talk with as potential gift recipients.

Be Specific

When it comes to gift giving, sometimes being as specific as possible in selecting a present for someone will make the process easier and more meaningful. For example, if you are shopping for a favourite teacher, look for unique teacher gifts such as personalized pencil pouches or other items they will use both at school and home. Some other fun ideas to personalize include:

  • Tote bags
  • Key Rings
  • Mugs
  • Travel Mugs
  • Coasters

Presentation Matters

Sometimes just seeing a beautifully wrapped gift is as much fun as opening it. When the recipient notices the time and effort you put into it, they will appreciate the care.

Watch this video for a tutorial on how to wrap a spa voucher. You can use this same wrapping style for small gift cards, etc.

Time Together

The best present may be the gift of your time. Perhaps you have older relatives who reside far away from you. Or maybe they are living alone or in a care home. In these situations, your presence and your time will be the best gifts you can ever give them.  

Make a plan with them or their respective caregivers, and then schedule it on your calendar. Sometimes this type of gift may be pushed to the wayside since it is intangible. Do not let that happen. Your time will mean the world to the older people in your life. 

Make your visit extra special for everyone involved. Bring your loved one’s favourite meal, snacks, or desserts. Use your smartphone to record a conversation with them. Ask them questions about their life. If there are special stories they have shared over the years, ask them to share again so you can record them for posterity. 

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Have fun finding the perfect gift for your loved one. Make it a joyful endeavour instead of a frustrating task. Once you are done, you get to watch the joy in their eyes as they open it.

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Last Update: Friday, 7th October 2022

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