I sometimes sit and wonder what life will be like for my two when they are my age? Will they have floating vehicles, instead of ones that require wheels? Will life on earth be completely different to what it is now? When I think back to how life was when I was a child, mobile phones had not been invented, the internet was not established and cars did not have all of these computer whizz-tech gadgets that they do now. Will my children have a #BrightFuture?
I heard about the Unilever #BrightFuture challenge via BritMums and how they encouraging families all over the world to make a little change and make a little difference. Which, in turn, will make a brighter future for our children. So here are a few things that we do to help make a difference:
Wash economically
We only put the washing on when there is a demand for it. I do not put half washes on or wash one thing at a time. If something desperately needs washing I will wash it in the sink and do a hand wash. We also wash in our economical washing machine, at 30 degrees. So we do not use up as much energy. Which not only saves energy for the future, but helps keep the bills down!
Steam mop the floors
In mopping the floors with the steam mop, not only cleans them but the heat from the steam kills off bacteria and helps to reduce unwanted bugs. I hate it when the bugs get in the house, they creep in from school or work and they can be disastrous for a working family. I also use a little product in the steam mop so it leaves the house smelling beautifully fresh.
Using bags for life
This is a great way of saving on the planet, reusing a bag is something that has become more of a habit as shops have enforced a shopping bag charge. The bag for life are often used of recycled products too, which is creating a need for items that would have clogged up a waste pile somewhere for many years to come. It’s little things like this that can help make a big difference in the long run.
The challenge with Unilever is also about living sustainably. This year we dug out a plot for vegetables and we have started to grow our own bits and bobs, which we will build on and learn from each year. This small thing means that we are helping in a small way as we are fending for ourselves, making something our own. Six out of ten parents saying that they have started to live in a ‘greener’ way at home at the suggestion of their children. That’s incredible! The children are wanting to do these things for themselves and for their family.
Since the launch of the Sustainable Living Plan, Unilever has helped 482 million people to improve their health and hygiene, including thorough hand washing, improving self-esteem and oral hygiene.
I loved reading about the Dove Self-Esteem Project that is improving lives through small steps. They have worked closely with leading psychologists, academics and experts to create materials and resources that help young people develop a positive relationship with their appearance. The project has now reached over 19 million young lives. I hate the thought of my children growing up in a world where they care about what they look like to the extent of changing their appearance, eating disorders or fear of getting bullied.
I would love to hear about any small steps you are making at home to make a better, brighter future for your children. Please do comment below or share with me on social media.
This post is an entry for BritMums #brightFuture Challenge, sponsored by Unilever.