Today is National Siblings Day, a time to celebrate those siblings you love. Or bicker with constantly if you are my two! It’s nice to acknowledge your siblings I think. As we have all got older, with busier and fuller lives, it’s hard to stay in touch. You grow up in each others pockets, living in the same house, doing everything together. I remember the day I went to uni. I felt completely lost. There is 10 years between me and my sister, so she was 8 when I went to university and I am pretty sure she wouldn’t have known what was going on. My little ones are 18 months apart, so I can imagine they will very much be a part of each others lives growing up. It’s days like today that make me feel grateful for family.
Baby Born sent us over the new Interactive Sister doll to review on this special sibling day. She is fabulous! Isla has named hers Lily. Although, it was Lilyana for a short time. It’s funny, Isla does keep asking me for a sister. She obviously has no idea you can’t just pluck a sister from thin air. She always asks me if there is a baby in my tummy! I remind her, it’s just cake. Eek. Lily, our interactive sister doll has been a great friend to Isla. She has loved playing dress up with her and feeding time is fun. Isla get hers Baby Born high chair and all her pretend food out. She fills up her water bottle and spends ages feeding her.
Lily can drink the water from her drinks bottle and she can also cry too! I think overall, Isla’s favourite part of her new doll is her lovely long hair. She will sit and play with it for hours. She has asked if we can wash Lily’s hair in the bath tonight and she sits and brushes it. She came with some hair clips and scrunchies, so there’s plenty of options to put her hair into fab styles too. Lily will even stand on her own so show off her new hairstyles.
This little lady comes with a top, 1 pair of leggings and some trainer style shoes. In her bag of tricks is also a hair brush, a bracelet for the doll and for your child. I think that’s such a cute touch. You can buy your very own Interactive Sister doll from Amazon for only £32.99. She really is a great toy and perfect for Isla’s age, 5.
Does your child have a favourite doll? I would love to hear more about it in the comments below or on Social Media: @mummyconstant.
aww lovely pictures
Thank you
Isn’t she the cutest! I love that she’s at a different stage to most dolls if you see what I mean. All of Amy’s dolls are babies, this would add a whole new level to her imaginary play.
Thanks for sharing your review.
Thanks for sharing this blog. I remember when I was coming to see my brother for the first time, I was 7. My dad said ”go wash your hands before you touch the baby then I washed my hand. My brother was asleep, on a warm blanket and I put my hands right on his neck. And then my feelings were very good.