Unfortunately I couldn’t make BritMums Live this year, the venue looked amazing, the bloggers attending I desperately wanted to meet – but the fact I didn’t attend, didn’t stop me from being “involved”. BritMums streamed the main parts from their website, they had a Ustream link set up which meant I could sit and watch it from my iPad. Many of the talks were tweeted about and the Social Media talk from @MummyBarrow and @MammasaurusBlog meant I could tweet my questions and get involved that way – well it wouldn’t be a social media talk if it didn’t focus on the social media! I spent the whole time checking my Twitter feed, Facebook news page and getting updates from @MummyBird direct to my phone – she did text me at one point to say lots of people were asking after me. I have to admit that only made me want to be there even more.
My Sunday evening was spent glued to my iPad, I watched the keynote speeches from the chosen bloggers attentively and I really enjoyed Katie Hill – I thought she was really funny, I just couldn’t help but have a great smile on my face. It made the emotional bloggers keynote speeches easier to deal with because she lightened it up in-between each one.
I found it hard not to cry when Emma broke down talking about Multiple Mummy and how she was such an inspiration to us all. It was heartbreaking when Kerry left this world, left her lovely family and left a great hole in the mummy community – but it is such a warming feeling to be part of such a caring community. Knowing that you are a part of this love and sharing each others feelings, its a great thing to be a part of.
This is my little video clip from the karaoke session in remembrance of Kerry: http://instagram.com/p/a3n70aALs7/. It was another sacred moment where all the bloggers in the room, came together and sang their hearts out for Kerry. She was a very special lady. Multiple Mummy, you will never be forgotten.
One of the main things I can take away from my experience of BritMums Live, albeit it a remote one, is the sense of community. BritMums Live is a big networking event, giving you the opportunity to do just that – network with other bloggers and brands. I managed to do this via social media and I spoke to a lot of bloggers who were at the event – isn’t social media a great thing? I am proud to be working alongside these bloggers, brands and business people and I am extremely looking forward to next year, I have my ticket!
That is so cool that you could participate remotely. Exactly what we had in mind. X