What do I want for Mothers Day? Probably a question us Mummies are all being asked at the moment, directly or indirectly by their loved ones or children. I have been thinking about it for a little while and the one big thing on my mind constantly, is my fashion sense. I feel quite out of it at the moment, I wear clothes that I have worn for years and mis-match with some new items I’ve picked up over the months. But all in all, I feel a little fashion flawed.



New Look have some great items on their website at the moment, you can view the website here: www.newlook.com. One particular style I like at the moment is wearing a blazer over the top of my outfits and topped off with a nice scarf. They have some funky designs for the casual look, they look great with jeans and boots for when I am being Mummy and they have the smart blazers, that I wear for work when I am in “working” Mummy mode.



I am really loving the blue polka dot blazer and I will be asking for these for Mothers Day (hint hint Daddy), along with the mink drape pocket blazer for work. One thing I have learnt from browsing the different items on the website is that there are so many types of blazer, I couldn’t believe it. New Look have a fabulous range from going out to casual and an array of prices too. So even as a little treat to yourself, you won’t feel guilty!

Why not take a look at the New Look website and let me know what you would ask for, for Mothers Day… you never know, your wish might come true.

To view the other fabulous products that are the website, please visit: http://www.newlook.com/. You can follow New Look on Twitter: https://twitter.com/newlookfashion or like them on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/newlookfashion.

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Beauty & Fashion, reviews,

Last Update: Friday, 22nd February 2013