With Mothers Day fast approaching (Sunday 6th March) I thought it would be nice to share this little Mummy quiz that I saw floating around social media recently. It was a nice insight into what the little ones thought about Mummy. You ask them the questions and just let them answer – without coercing them into saying anything. Here are Noah and Islas responses: 


Isla – aged three

1. What is something I always say to you? Silly billy. 

2. What makes me happy? “I love you”.

3. What makes me sad? When me and Noah fight. 

4. How do I make you laugh? Tickle. 

5. What was I like as a child? I used to share my toys with Uncle Carl. 

6. How old am I? Don’t know. 40.

7. How tall am I? She held her hand to top of my head and said this tall! 🙂 

8. What is my favorite thing to do? Work!

9. What do I do when you’re not around? Work again!

10. What am I really good at? Working. 

11. What is something I’m not good at? Doing silly things! 

12. What do I do for a job? Work. 

13. What is my favorite food? Salad. Don’t know. 

14. What do you enjoy doing with me? Watching Playdoh surprise. 

Year 2015 (61)Noah – aged five 

1. What is something I always say to you?  I love you. 

2. What makes me happy? When I say I love you very much. 

3. What makes me sad?  When I say I don’t love you. 

4. How do I make you laugh? Being silly. 

5. What was I like as a child? I liked cars and barbies. 

6. How old am I? 33.

7. How tall am I? 99 tall. 

8. What is my favorite thing to do? Put lipstick on. 

9. What do I do when you’re not around? Go to work. 

10. What am I really good at? Building my train track. 

11. What is something I’m not good at? Building houses. 

12. What do I do for a job? Go to work and do a special job. 

13. What is my favorite food? Pasta. 

14. What do you enjoy doing with me? Go out on scooters. 

I love that Isla thinks my favourite thing is work, she was being really funny. It does make me think I work too much! But she means work as in my day job and my blog work, they both see that as work – so I guess I do do blog work at home, which they see. I am glad they see me as silly and fun though, as thats what I want to be. A fun Mummy. 

Ask your little ones the same questions and see what they say? I would love to know their answers too… 


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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Saturday, 20th February 2016