I love making the most out of Halloween, each year I expand on our decorations and we have quite a fun collection now. Not all families like to embrace this festive period though, only 51% of Brits want to celebrate with decorations, costumes and sweets. Apparently the average family spend over £40 on costumes, sweets and decorations each year. But I do not spend anywhere near that, here are my tips on having a fun family Halloween that doesn’t break the bank.

Find costumes that can be reused

This might sound obvious and boring. But we buy little bits for costumes and wear them until we grow out of them. Last year Noah wore a bat cape that I had grabbed in the sales before. This year we used it again. It cost £4 and has had 2 years of wear so far and I am sure we can use it again next year. Donald Trump was the most popular costume choice this year, unfortunately neither of my kids wanted to dress up as Trump and so we went with witch and monster this year.

Make sure you get the right sweets

Never buy sweets that are not individually wrapped. I start buying sweets, for our Cauldron, months before Halloween and keep them in a cupboard (away from the kids). I buy them when they are on offer in the supermarkets. Chocolate bars and Haribo treats are the most popular treats for children. So we make sure we are stocked up on these. Our favourites are the Halloween Haribo mixes: Haribo Scaremix, Haribo Trick or Treat and Haribo Tang FasTricks.

DIY Halloween

You do not need to go to a Pumpkin farm to join in with the fun. You can buy a Pumpkin for £1 in a supermarket and pumpkin carving is the 2nd most popular thing to do for children at Halloween. I love it too. We try to make the best and different designs on our pumpkins. This year we went with Boo and Mike from Monsters Inc. They look great too!

Get reusable garlands

I love decorating the house with garlands, Halloween and Christmas time. Trick or Treating is the most popular Halloween activity for children, so I have to make sure I make an effort with the decorating. I have some fabulous garlands from Candle & Cake: spiders, ghosts, trick or treat words and they look great in the house. It really brings the house to life and everyone has commented on how fun it all looks. This year I drew all over the house windows with some washable Stabilo pencils too.

Have fun

The best thing to do at Halloween is to have fun! Join in with the celebrations, embrace your inner child and get dressed up too! Go out Trick or Treating and tell everyone how fab they look. Being kind to others costs nothing and makes you feel good! Just saying…

I loved reading this research by VoucherCodes, it really helped me to understand where the best bargains are and what the most popular Halloween sweets and treats are. What are your most favourite Halloween costumes and treats? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.


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Last Update: Wednesday, 31st October 2018