Toddlers are so much fun. I remember the years well, having 2 toddlers for a time was a challenge but a good one. I remember Noah having a little difficulty saying certain words, almost like a lisp and Isla had the same thing. Getting toddler development right is not an easy task, and there is no textbook. I put together some of my favourite tips to help develop your toddler’s communication needs.
Play groups
There is nothing more important than letting your toddler learn around other children. We used to go to lots of playgroups and toddler groups; Noah would engage with the different children over the different toys. I remember the first time I took him, and he kept stealing all the cars off the other children, I was embarrassed. But he soon learned to react and behave differently. Google play groups near you and you should be able to find accessible groups catered to your toddler.
Online learning
In this new digital age, online platforms such as Noala Hub, are an amazing tool for families. It allows children to learn at their own pace using interactive exercises to help their speech. You can choose to get an online, initial, assessment before you get access to the exercises and speech and language specialists help support your toddler until their speech has improved as expected. Development Language Disorder is in an average of 2 children out of 30 and remains undiagnosed. Online platforms, like Noala Hub, are perfect to identify and support those children and toddlers that need a helping hand.
Something useful like a babysitter course can also help to increase your knowledge of toddler development and give you a plethora of useful tips and ideas for helping your toddler communicate.
Flash cards
I loved flash cards when the kids were toddlers, great for toddler’s communication development. We would use these and as the children were a little older we would make our own. I would draw pictures and write their names; the children would work their way through the pages. I would often hear “tractor” and “door” shouted across the room. It is a good way of the child visually learning and practising the words and how they feel to say. Through Noala Hub, with each of the 6 sessions, you get access to flash cards for different categories; namely shapes, colours, body parts, etc.
This might seem obvious but reading to your child and letting them follow the words is a great way of improving their speech. Even if they are not repeating the words back to you, they will be soaking it all up. I use my finger to highlight the words I am reading, as I read, and the children would sit there and just watch and listen. I remember doing this with Noah and he read the word “football” on the next page as he loves his football and it just jumped out at him. He memorised the shape of the word.
Musical TV
Now, I am not advocating that a toddler should sit in front of a TV all day, however there is a lot to be said for children’s TV shows that have repetitive and catchy songs as the main part of it. Noah and Isla loved watching shows with fun songs. Songs from nursery too, they would sing over and over again, practice makes perfect. The more repetitive the better as your child will remember it. I love this video of the kids singing nursery rhymes, you can hear the difficulty the children have in saying some words too.
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If you have any tips for improving toddler’s communication I would love to know in the comments below.