Now I don’t know about you, but preparing for Christmas is not just about buying presents, wrapping presents and decorating the tree. For us, it’s also about tidying up the existing toys and bits around the house to make room for new gifts we receive, like storage ideas from The Holding Company. With that in mind, here are my 5 creative storage ideas for your family home.

1) Tidying up the shoes

This might seem like an odd thing to choose but we get a lot of visitors over the Christmas period, it starts in November for us with Noah’s birthday. Our entrance porch is a dumping ground for shoes. Sometimes you cannot even get into the porch because the door catches on the kiddies shoes. Making sure you get the right shoe storage is essential and something that is on the top of my list this Winter. Depending on the storage you choose, you could even have it in the hallway, instead of right by the front door, which creates more space and makes it more inviting.

2) Organise the cupboards

Getting the right storage for the cupboards can be tricky. When we get our own house I can picture a huge dresser in my kitchen diner, full of wicker baskets and pretty crockery. We are in such a rush most mornings that things are just left anywhere and everywhere; brushes, PJ’s from the night before or bags strewn all over the hallway. Our house becomes a dumping ground through the school term. So using baskets to keep things organised is a great way to give somewhere a home and create a bit of organisation!

3) Sort through the rooms

Once you have sorted the smaller items up, in the tips above, I tend to go from room to room and sort. By that I mean I have a few piles: stuff we no longer need/use, rubbish and keepers. We sorted our conservatory shed out (don’t ask) and there was so much stuff in there that we had forgotten about. We even found a baby walker from when the kids were learning to walk – that was over 5 years ago! With the keepers pile you need to make sure you have the correct storage for it, so it doesn’t pile up again.

4) Making space for your keepers

Now you have your keepers pile, from the point above, you need to find the right storage solution for it. The last thing you need is for those items to be thrown back in their old place, or sit in heap somewhere. There are different shapes and sizes for everything these days, even a space to place your collection of umbrellas. Here are some ideas of how you can use storage solutions:

  • A large chest box – these are really good for tidying up the children’s toys at the end of the day. They look really nice too and some of them team up to be a seat for those extra visitors.
  • Under the bed storage – this is great for those toys that are small enough to live under the bed. You can pull them out easily and the children can tidy up their own toys at the end of the day.
  • Bookcases with boxes – you know the kind I mean, I hope, filling those boxes up with things that do not look pretty is a great way of using a storage solution.

5) Stack them up

I like to get storage boxes that are stackable too. It saves a lot of space when they are stacked. Put a larger box at the bottom, preferably with a lid, then stack the boxes on top making your way to the smallest box on the top. It’s a great way of saving space and you can make them look really stylish too – if you get the right designs for the boxes.

Do you have any creative storage solution ideas, I would love to hear them in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.

AD This post was written in collaboration with The Holding Company, all opinions and ideas are my own. 

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Home Reviews,

Last Update: Friday, 2nd November 2018