The summer holidays are approaching and with it – sun, fun, and family time! To ensure that your whole family has the best time this summer, however, it’s time to plan ahead. There are a few things you can do to prepare your home and your budget in order to have the summer of a lifetime, and all you need to do is follow these easy tips:

Spring Clean

Take your spring clean to the next level this year and prepare your home for the future. Living with clutter will do nothing but make your home feel too small, meaning you and your family have less room to grow. By going through all of your belongings together as a family, you can clear out things you don’t use and might not even like all that much. Before you throw it out, however, evaluate what you want to get rid of and list the valuable pieces for sale. From there consider what upcycling projects you can do together as a family to bring new life to an old piece. After that donate, recycle, or throw out the rest. Do this, and you can clear your home of junk and enjoy how beautiful your home can look when it is your interior design you can see, not your old unloved items.

Update Your Cleaning Habits

There is no excuse for giving your children a pass on cleaning. Not only is cleaning together as a family a great bonding exercise that teaches children respect, responsibility, and crucial life skills, it is also how you can help keep your family healthy. After your spring clean hire professional cleaners like Technicare to deep clean hard-to-clean areas like your carpets and continue from there. You will want to ensure the cleaning products you use are safe for your family, as some are known to have harmful chemicals that can cause irritation, burning, and more.

Create a Summer Go-Bag for the Kids

Now that the hard part is over and your home is clean and organised, it’s time to start preparing for the fun parts of summer. A great way to do this for young children, in particular, is to create a go-bag. This bag should have toys to keep your children entertained and outside no matter where you are going on holiday. Take a day trip to any of the UK’s stunning beaches and pack a sandcastle kit for your kids, or have chalk and skipping rope for when you visit your family inland.

How to Budget for Travel

Bringing a family abroad can become quite costly if you don’t know what to do. Thankfully there are so many budget options in Europe that you can find somewhere to go no matter your budget. Use price comparison apps and services like Airbnb to get the price prices for you as a family. Choose a place with a kitchen and you can save even more money by eating in and packing up lunches.

This summer can be a great one if you start to prepare for it now. Better your home, better your life, and better the fun your family will have this summer.

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Last Update: Sunday, 8th April 2018