Even if you’re the kind of person who likes to let events run their natural course, without too much planning or scrutinising, it is near impossible to move house without some degree of preparation. This is not just a major life decision, it is a complex process and, if you want to start your new adventure the right way, it is important to be organised. The below are 10 commandments I thought would be helpful for other people thinking of moving house, or in the process of.

The easiest way to successfully relocate is to call in the help of professional house movers in Melbourne. These experts are trained in the most efficient ways to load, transport, and unload furniture and possessions, so they can get the job done fast. And, your valuable items will be fully secured and kept safe at all times; significantly safer than if they were to be loaded into a car or self-drive vehicle.

For more helpful hints and tips, keep reading this guide to the ten commandments of a successful house move:

  1. Stick to Your Moving Date

You are advised to avoid moving on the weekend if possible, because there will be more traffic and it will take longer for the moving van to make it between the properties. However, if this is not an option due to work commitments, the best approach is to start early in the morning.

  1. Take Out Insurance

The second thing that you need to do, after setting a date, is take out cover on your valuables. This is essential for anybody who needs to move expensive furniture, antiques, artwork, instruments, or electrical equipment.

  1. Delegate and Accept Help

Moving day can be extremely stressful for families with pets and small children. The key to dealing with the pressure is to accept help wherever you can. It is much better to hand over care of toddlers and babies to a trusted friend or relative while you handle the relocation.

  1. Pack Things Correctly

By the time moving day arrives, the vast majority of your possessions should already be packed and ready to go. Unloading at the new property will run much more smoothly if you organise the items correctly. So, prioritise things that you know you’ll need soon; cleaning supplies, cutlery, crockery, clothing, toys, etc. Label these boxes and move them first.

  1. Don’t Hang Onto the Past

When packing, don’t be tempted to waste precious time and space on things that you know you don’t need or use. There may be plenty of room for them at the new house, but there’s no real reason to hang onto them if they’ll be pushed to the back of a wardrobe again. Relocating is a great opportunity to clear out and declutter.

  1. Contact Energy Suppliers

Take the time to get into contact with your energy suppliers in the weeks leading up to the move. You can do this after you relocate, but it is much easier to get it all sorted and approved before you leave. That way, you can have the setup at the new property started already; your electricity, cable, gas, and water suppliers will be ready to go.

  1. Change Your Mailing Address

Also, don’t forget to update your mailing address. Otherwise, you might miss out on important post, letters, and bills. It is a good idea to leave a forwarding address written somewhere in the old house (on a cork board, perhaps), so that the new occupants can send any stray letters to your new location.

  1. Keep Your Documents Safe

Gather up all official and legal documents (passports, birth certificates, insurance policies, etc.) and keep them together in one secure place both before and during the move. These are items that you can’t afford to lose, but they are easily misplaced if not organised correctly.

  1. Create a Moving ‘Survival’ Box

Put aside one small box and fill it with little items that you know you’ll need immediately at the new house. For instance, box cutters, toilet paper, biscuits, a mug, the kettle, painkillers, scissors, and spare light bulbs (if applicable).

  1. Stay Calm and Collected

It is certainly true that moving house can be a really stressful process, but the end result is worth the hard work. If you can stay calm, cool, and collected, you’ll avoid mistakes and everything that needs to be done will get done. Minor mishaps are possible, but it is important to keep the bigger picture in mind.     

Family in moving boxes image by ShutterStock.


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Last Update: Friday, 13th January 2017