Well what a busy bee Saturday we had!!
We now have the travel system all ready to rock and roll and the nursery furniture also… ooh and I have the worlds loveliest yummy mummy bag! 🙂 I am a very lucky mummy to be.
The cot is all set up and fits perfectly in the nursery, and the travel system is at Nanny and Grandad Constants until we get a bit nearer to Nove. Its bad luck to keep it at home apparantly. 🙂
I cant wait to get the rest of the bits set up and the bedding out etc. It will look so cute. I cant stop staring at the cot, how sad am I?
Rainbow is currently doing somersaults in my stomach, it feels really weird now. As Rainbow gets bigger, the movements are feeling more and more intense. Like its a little bit squished in there at the moment.
3 calendar months time and we will get to meet our little baby… how excited am I? VERY!!