Domu, VonHaus, have challenged me to a 14 day cleaning challenge covering a wide range of activities across the home. Resulting in a nice tidy house at the end of it. I love a challenge and this one is perfect for right now as our house is all upside down and needs a good clean.

Day 1

Bins and recycling: sort through all the bins in your house and get your recycling separated.

Today’s activity is an easy one – but complicated at the same time. I have always found the recycling rules tricky to understand. But if you look at your Council’s website they give you all the information you need for your particular area and I have picked up some neat tricks! I quite often find things like crisp packets in the kitchen bin, which is for the black bin. Crisp packets can be recycled through Terracycle and their scheme. All you need to do is take the crisp packets to their local drop off centre.

I don’t expect the kids to remember everything! It isn’t a fun job going through and separating all of the recycling but I felt better for doing it.

Did you know?

  • You do not need to remove the labels from plastics, but separating the lids from bottles, or plastic packaging from cardboard helps.
  • Products contain a label that tell you whether it is widely recyclable or whether you should check with your local recycling facility.
  • You have to rinse out bottles before they can be recycled – like milk bottles for example.
  • Remove the pump from hand soaps – this needs to go in the black bin not recycling.

We have a basket by the side of the waste bin, where we keep recycling. This helps to keep it separate and easier to sort before putting it in the bin. It feels nice to be organised, even with the waste bins. So instead of leaving the recycling in the cupboard, I have somewhere to put them now!

What do you do to keep your recycling organised? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.

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Home Reviews,

Last Update: Sunday, 3rd February 2019