trunkigruffaloGrand prize of the Gruffalo Trunki and Gruffalo Chums set, goes to Older Mum (In a Muddle) I love this story and the effort that went into it, it reads really well, flows easily and that’s one of the things I was looking for in the winner, well done 🙂

The Gruffalo Chums set runners up are:

Popping Along Blog, Jess Slender has written a really funny Gruffalo verse. It made me chuckle and I think weasels are funny. 

trunki-gruffalo-chums_xlThe Beesley Buzz, Rebecca Beesley wrote a funny chapter and it came with some great illustrations too. Love the Santa and Reindeer versions:

Last, but no means least, a comment entry from Shelley Hawkins, I love badgers and I thought Badger Sweet & Sour was funny. You can read her chapter here:

The mouse went deeper into the deep dark wood,
A badger saw the mouse, and the mouse looked good,
“Where are you going to little brown mouse?
Come for a snack in my sett hole house.”
“It’s splendidly great of you Badger but no,
I’m having a snack with a Gruffalo.”

“A Gruffalo, what’s a Gruffalo?”
“A Gruffalo, why, didn’t you know, he has a big behind and terrible breath,
And one swipe of his paw spells certain death.”
“Where are you meeting him?”
“Here by this flower, and his favourite food is Badger sweet and sour.”

“Badger sweet and sour, I’m off”, Badger said
And quick as the wind she turned and fled
“Silly old Badger, doesn’t she know, there’s no such thing as a Gruffalo!”

Thank you so much to everyone who entered my fantastic competition, and also thank you to Trunki for offering an amazing Gruffalo Trunki and 3 Gruffalo Chums sets for people. If you would like to see some of the great Trunki products, visit their website:

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Last Update: Monday, 17th December 2012