For the past year we have been saving for our first family home, one we can buy and call our own. Decorate as we like, fix the broken things within a week (or even a year would be great) and have that perfect roll tub bath that I have been dreaming about forever. We have been saving a lot and have finally got enough for that all important house deposit. But the fun doesn’t stop there. 

I had no idea that “trying” to buy a house would be so complicated and frustrating. We have already experienced a bamboozle, whereby a house offer had been accepted only to be bid out (sneakily) by another set of buyers. We have looked at numerous mortgage calculators and we have gone through our finances and credit files with fine tooth combs. It becomes a mind field of dates and amounts. What is closed? What is still open? What has a balance, more importantly?

I used to hate the fact that the only way I could see my credit file and credit score would be to pay some money to subscribe to a website, then pay for a copy of my latest report. Doing that whenever you want to “check in” became very expensive. Then you have the fact that two major companies would say totally different things. Very frustrating.

Since January 2016 I haven’t paid a single penny to any of those companies because I downloaded an app on my iPhone. Signed up, securely (using information from my credit file that I had to verify) and had set up within minutes. ClearScore is a great app that enabled me to keep a monthly check on my credit score and my file too for that matter. I can see what has changed, what is better or worse and actually each month I see my credit score get higher. It’s really encouraging when you are worrying about that all important mortgage application, when the right house comes up!

The clever guys at ClearScore came up with some great tips on improving your credit score and the first one is a great idea (although a great advert for them too) but it is true. Since I have had this app, I can quickly and easily keep on top of my credit file and be aware of my score. It has made a huge difference in the way that I perceive credit and my approach to saving too.

The ClearScore six tips to improving your credit score:

By actively managing your credit score, you will boost your chances of getting approved a mortgage:

  1. Sign up to see your credit score – you can get can your free score and report at ClearScore and track your progress using our Timeline. 
  2. Check your report thoroughly, regularly and always before applying for credit – report and correct any mistakes you see as this could be damaging your score.
  3. Make sure that your bank and any credit providers have your correct address.
  4. Ensure you’re registered on the electoral roll – this is a very simple way of boosting your score.
  5. Make sure that your name is on some utility accounts – the greater the evidence that you borrow and repay your credit regularly, the better your credit score will be.
  6. Your score will increase if you use a smaller percentage of your available credit limit.

For more information and tips on how to improve your credit score, head over to

Home sweet home image from ShutterStock. I adapted the image to make it fit my family.

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Last Update: Thursday, 19th July 2018