It might be winter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have lots of gardening-based fun with the kids. In fact, winter is a great time to get a few vital jobs done and to work on some garden crafts – just make sure you all wrap up warm!

Looking for ideas? Here are a few good ways to have gardening fun with the kids this winter:


If you don’t already have a compost heap in your garden, winter is the perfect time to create one, and if you have the kind of kids who love to get a little messy in the garden, they’ll have a great time doing it!

Simply collect all of the fallen leaves that have come off the trees, along with any cuttings you may have made in preparation for the season, put them into a compost bin, ideally with a little manure to really get things going, and come spring you’ll have all the compost you need to feed your flowers.

Plant Produce

It’s so important that kids eat healthily, and winter is the best time to plant several healthy foods, including carrots, lettuce, cabbages, broccoli and beetroots. If they are directly involved in the growing, your children are much more likely to eat their veggies, so this is one activity not to miss!

Paint Pots

If you’re looking for a garden-based craft you can do indoors; then you really can’t beat painting your flowerpots. Give each child a set of porcelain paints, gather up your old pots, give them a clean and then let the kids go crazy brightening them up in preparation for the spring.

Make/Decorate a Birdfeeder

Another craft you can do indoors is making or decorating your own bird feeders and even birds nests.There are numerous kits out there that will enable you to do this fast, but if you want to get really creative, try to make them out of things you already own.


Of course, once you’ve attracted the birds, it makes perfect sense to invest in a child’s birding book and spend some time spotting the cute feathered creatures as they pay your garden a visit.

Fix Up the Fencing

If your fencing is looking a bit sad, there are gaps, or it just needs a bit of colour, a cool, crisp winter’s day is ideal for such a tasks. Doing these things now will ensure that the garden is safe and looks good in time for spring when you are likely to use it a lot more.

Grow Herbs in Pots

Back inside, why not take the time to grow you and your kids’ favourite herbs in pots? The great thing about herbs is that they don’t need to be watered very often, depending on the kind, and they can be grown quickly on a bright window ledge.

Now, it’s time, to put on your wellies, gloves and scarf and get out there – the fresh winter air will do the whole family a world of good!


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Last Update: Tuesday, 5th December 2017