I recently had the chance to review some great organic products from the wonderful Earth Friendly Baby. I was sent some organic body lotion and organic bodywash & shampoo. The products are high quality and made from natural products, they are very affordable for families with little ones and they are healthy for everyone, including the planet!
All the products are made from natural ingredients that are taken from plants where possible and are biodegradable. They do not use artifical colouring or synthetic fragrances which means you can guarantee that the smells will be natural too. And the products we were sent did indeed smell lovely.
These wonderful moisturising lotions has been developed to keep baby’s skin soft and supple with a choice of lovely aromas.
The Body Lotion was a great product, it didnt irratate Noahs skin & smelt lovely. Some moisturisers can also leave your hands feeling greasy and uncomfortable, but this one doesn’t. Infact I didn’t want to wash my hands after applying it to Noah because it smelt too nice!
Body Wash & Shampoo
Bath time has never been simpler with these lovely, all-in-one body cleansers. Just open, squeeze, and wash Baby. Head and shoulders, knees and toes…whoopee!
This statement couldn’t be more true, it does make bath time easier, I have been applying this to a sponge to wash little man and then using a drop in his hair. Amazing how far this has stretched, you do not need very much in order to get a good lather up.
Where can I buy my Earth Friendly Baby products I hear you ask? At the moment, the Earth Friendly Baby range of products are available from selected Waitrose, John Lewis, Sainbury’s, Boots & leading independent baby stores, health stores and selected pharmacies.
To view the product range visit the Earth Friendly Baby website: www.earthfriendlybaby.co.uk
If you would like to view their Facebook page: click here.
To follow them on twitter use the username: @EFKidsEFBaby