We were sent the lovely spotty lambie from Doc McStuffins, Noah and Isla love watching the cartoon on Disney Junior and when Flair bought out their fantastic range of Doc McStuffins toys I couldn’t resist getting involved with the children. Lambie is just so cute too, Isla really loves her and they love trying to make her better. Doc McIsla and Doc McNoah to the rescue!

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Rub the magic sponge onto her red spots and they magically disappear. Lambie is all better again! They do come back again, so be ware that you may get asked questions whilst the children are trying to make lambie better again. Lambie is a solid toy which is really good, she is sturdy so cannot be broken easily and because she is solid she holds her arms and legs out to be healed by the sponge. 

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We have discovered that lambie loves taking a trip in the buggy, Isla likes pushing her around the house and stopping to check she is OK every now and again. You can more great toys on the Flair website: www.flairplc.co.uk.


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Last Update: Thursday, 19th July 2018