Day 9 of #12DaysofConstantChristmas and today 1 lucky winner will be able to win a bundle of fabulous prizes from lots of brands. There is something for everyone in this competition. Did you see who won the competition yesterday, check out Day 8 to find out the winners.

 What do I win on Day 9 of #12DaysofConstantChristmas?

In todays 24 hour competition you can win a bundle of prizes from lots of fabulous brands, worth over £60:

  • ​SuperZings toy bundle £23.00
  • Redcandy Egguins £17.00
  • Cat in a flat calendar £13.00
  • Autism with Love book £10.00

​SuperZings toy bundle

In this prize bundle there will be a SuperZings Race to Rescue and SuperZings Battle Game. Race to rescue is a fun game where the winner needs to save Professor K and defeat your rivals by collecting a set of battle tokens. Battle Game is a battle where you are up against your rivals and defeat the mysterious enigma. Lots of fun for Christmas, both games are £23.00.


I love these Redcandy egguins, what a brilliant and fun idea. Also a great idea for someone who loves cooking and being in the kitchen. The eggs slot into the penguin shapes, it holds 6 eggs and looks stylish in the kitchen. Egguins are £17.45.

Cat in a flat calendar

Cat in a flat is a great site where you can find a cat sitter or become one. It is really handy and lets you search by post code, so you can find people near to you. Part of the prize bundle is their new calendar illustrated by Axel Sheffler & friends. I love the drawings in the calendar, it is so cute and would make a great gift for someone this Christmas.

Autism with Love

LOLA book

This book is a wonderful read; Autism with Lola playing with bourbon badger. You can buy it from Autism with Love for £9.99. It is aimed at primary school aged children to help them understand some of the differences autistic children may face. Its an incredible story and people have found it resonates with their family situation too.

How do I win?

There will be 1 lucky winner that will win the bundle of items listed above. All you need to do is enter via the competition window below:

Day 9 #12DaysofConstantChristmas (24 hour comp)

This competition closes at 23:59 Friday 20th December 2019, winners will be announced in the competition window above and will be emailed directly.