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Would you like to win a signed copy of Mummy Fever by Charlotte Pearson? Well here’s how you can…

Charlotte Pearson is a mother of two children and about to welcome baby number three into the world. She wrote this book during her pregnancy with her third child and whilst running her health and social care consultancy company, Strategic Consult & C. Charlotte is currently working on the sequel to this book. You can follow Charlotte on Twitter: @MummyFever

‘Mummy Fever: Mission Accomplished’ is a determinedly honest blow-by-blow account of young motherhood that will remind you why you vowed never to have a second child, and why you probably broke that vow two years later.

Discover how to open a door gracefully to a perfect stranger half-naked and covered head-to-toe in .. well, never mind, how to grow eight arms, how to fend off the hapless and intrusive advice of your rampaging mother-in-law, how to run a marathon only a few months after you have given birth, and how to deal with an inattentive husband who isn’t planning on changing his life at all.

But, above all, remind yourself that young motherhood is a time of enchantment, despite the very real challenges, and a love story, at least towards the children …

How do you win?

Fill out the Rafflecopter form below, making sure you complete the mandatory option at least:

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Good luck, competition closes Saturday 21st September 2013 at midnight.

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Last Update: Saturday, 14th September 2013