This is a very special post as its from my lovely friend Emily, she is running a fabulous competition as she wants to raise awareness about her new charity: The Dementia Cafe. Please enter and please support The Dementia Cafe and post a picture of you and your bear to win a beautiful necklace and a rather funky wristband.
Hello to the readers of Mummy Constant,
I’m Emily-Jane (friend of Sonia’s) and I recently decided to set up a charity: the Dementia Cafe TLS because my Mum has Alzheimer’s Disease. It’s not all doom and gloom, although Alzheimer’s is a terminal disease, there are many living with dementia that have real quality of life.
So what is it like when you’re in your early thirties and your Mum’s in her late seventies and has Alzheimer’s? -For me, by now, it’s ‘normal’. As normal as ‘normal’ can be. Essentially, we’ve switched roles and we joke about that. I cut her nails and re-do nail polish, as she would have mine, when I was a little girl.
We haven’t let Alzheimer’s disease destroy our relationship but the journey hasn’t been easy. I’m no expert on the disease but I am learning more each day.
Because I know some of you will have questions for the team, about what we’re doing over at the Dementia Cafe headquarters, I’ll try to answer some here…*If you don’t have questions you can scroll to ‘the fun bit’ – our lovely giveaway that is currently live on our Facebook page 🙂 *
What’s Happening?
We hope to open in 2016. Individuals with dementia / those affected by dementia can visit our purpose built cafe & have a cup of tea or coffee and chat and make friends. The cafe is free to use & free from judgement. We understand dementia. No one should struggle alone.
There will be information available. Those who attend the cafe can chat about anything. Not just dementia.
Stats & Facts
- Alzheimer’s Society have around 60 cafes nationwide, each cost £12,000 to run
- Annually the total cost is: £720,000
- The Dementia Cafe TLS will run for free, donations can then go to research to find a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease
- S & ARUK like our idea
- Dementia (Alzheimer’s / Parkinson’s etc) are Not a result of old age. They are terminal brain diseases.
- Those with dementia may feel isolated & frightened
- To register a charity income must be £15,000 per anum – we’re not there yet!
- 150,000 charities are not registered & function nationwide
For those who saw our Just Giving funding page, we reached the first target & raised £400. We still have a little way to go, so we’ll be launching an Indiegogo Campaign online to raise additional funds to build the cafe.
Here’s the fun bit
We would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to our campaign: #BearNoJudgement.
So many individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease take comfort from stuffed animals, bears or dolls. One case study tells of a man, who was once the CEO of a large corporation, now lives with Alzheimer’s Disease and finds comfort in playing with dolls. Teddy bears are often hugely popular too.
As such, we decided to launch our campaign, encouraging others to be brave and snap a selfie with their favourite teddy bear, adding the hash-tags: “BearNoJudgement” & “DementiaCafeTLS” to show support and awareness of dementia. I’ve snapped myself with my bear to start everyone off. (photograph). Dementia Cafe has partnered up with American, New York based fashion brand to bring the Dementia Cafe’s supporters the chance to win free merchandise by posting their teddy selfie and following our terms. Join us over on Facebook page and enter now! Giveaway ends in less than a week.
Have a lovely Christmas, from: Emily-Jane (Founder) and the Dementia Cafe team.