Venturer sent us their fab RCA Mercury tablet and it’s just perfect for the family. It is an Android so we can download and install all the games we love and the children are very happy watching YouTube videos on the app too.  It’s the perfect device for little fingers too as it’s a great size. 

Isla loves the Disney Emoji Blitz game, it is the first thing she plays with and then she watches her YouTube videos. It’s nice giving them time to operate a grown up device, that’s what they call it! Its really quick and powerful, just perfect for what the children use it for. It has plenty of storage for their games and photos, and videos as Isla seems to be getting in to that. The technical information is listed below! 

The Techy bit 

Size – 7″
Display – 1024 x 600
Memory – 1GB
Storage – 8GB 
Processor – 4Core 

You can buy your very own Venturer tablet on the Asda website for £49.99. What games do you love playing on your Android device? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant. 

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Last Update: Thursday, 19th July 2018