Being a homeowner is both rewarding and stressful. On the one hand, owning a home is a profitable investment and a great life achievement. On the other hand, you have to ensure your home is always in tip-top condition to increase your home’s value and to improve the health and safety of yourself and your family. However, staying on top of your home upkeep tasks is easier said than done. A great start is identifying which tasks are essential to carry out each month. Below are some essential home upkeep tips to protect your home and family monthly. 

  1. Deep clean humid areas

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Humid areas such as your shower, bathroom, and kitchen can cause health issues such as allergies and respiratory diseases. It can also cause structural damage, such as rot to your home if left unchecked. High humidity causes condensation on various surfaces, which increases the growth of dust mites, moulds, mildew, and other harmful bacteria. Although cleaning these areas regularly can help prevent these effects, you should consider deep cleaning these areas monthly. Take the time to clean and scrub grout out of your tiles, corners of humid areas, and surfaces. Watch out for signs of mildew and mould growth during your cleaning, such as discolouration, to prevent it from spreading. 

  1. Evaluate your plumbing

A dysfunctional plumbing system is a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Poor plumbing can cause flooding in your home, leaky faucets, and even contaminated water. To avoid this, consider evaluating your plumbing system monthly. Physically assess your plumbing system by looking around your sinks and toilets for signs of leakage. You should also clean out your drains; this way, you can eliminate seemingly small clogs before they become problematic. You should also inspect your water pump and pipes, as they provide your home with water. Be sure to seek the services of an expert for your water pump repair and other complex plumbing issues. 

  1. Prevent pest infestation

It is safe to say you do not want a pest infestation in your home! There are several causes of a pest infestation in your home, such as an attraction to food, a conducive environment for pests, or seasonal and weather changes. The problem is you may not notice pests are raiding your home until it’s too late! An effective way of avoiding an infestation is periodically to look for and seal all holes that may be an entryway for pests into your home. Additionally, you should look for telltale signs of pests lurking around your home, such as tracks, droppings, or a foul-smelling odour. If possible, set out traps in strategic areas to capture and reduce the presence of pests such as rats. Ultimately, consulting an exterminator would be a better option to ensure your pest problem is handled or prevented appropriately and efficiently. 

  1. Test your smoke alarms

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Smoke alarms are vital in your home as they help you avoid a fire in your home and ensure your safety. This is why they must ensure they are in good working condition. However, various issues, such as developing a fault or dead batteries, may prevent them from working efficiently. The last thing you want is to notice this when it’s too late! Therefore, cultivate the habit of testing your smoke detectors each month to stay ahead of any faults and to replace the batteries. 

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Last Update: Wednesday, 1st May 2024