I am really enjoying #SnapHappyBritMums as I love taking photos, I think its great BritMums are running a fun daily photography themed challenge. Every day there is a new prompt for a photo with a new theme and you take a photo to represent your “interpretation” of that theme. It is great seeing everyone’s different ideas. Just search on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #SnapHappyBritMums! Today’s theme is…

School Lunch

We have special trays for Noah and Isla so it separates their food up and reminds me of school lunch trays that I used to use when I was a middle school. I love them. I usually use them at lunch time when I give Noah a selection of foods to choose from and Isla is still learning to use her fork… We had omelette for lunch today and it was yummy.

school lunches

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Last Update: Wednesday, 11th May 2016