Well I thought I would jump on the “band wagon” with the Netmums blog – “One born every minute” topics and this time it is Disability and Conception. I do not have any experience with disability, but I do have 2 stories about conception to share!
Noah’s Story
We had been married for 6 months by New Year, 2010 and me and hubby had “THE” talk! Yes, the talk about coming off the pill and when we should start thinking about making our family. So I booked us into see the nurse, who discussed our options and told me to have a 2 month break off of the pill before we start trying. Contrary to what many mummies-to-be, including myself, believe: that if you have been on the pill for a great length of time (10 years in my case) then you will not be able to fall straight away, its wrong!!! The nurse laughed at me when I asked her that, she said as soon as I stop taking my pill I can fall pregnant. But she did advise me to have the break, so my menstrual cycle reverts back to normal. The pill gives you a fake period every month, (I am no doctor & just repeating the nurse, so forgive me if this is not quite correct) its just a show! Apparently the period isn’t actually doing what it does naturally… So, with that in mind, we had a 2 month break from the pill, which brought us to mid February. Valentines weekend!! Ah yes the soppy old romantics that we are decided this was a perfect time to start trying for our little family.
I had researched my dates, so I knew when it was good to try and conceive and this happened to fall on the Valentines weekend.
Towards the end of February, I remember feeling extremely tearful, crying for no reason, my boobs felt painful & I had period cramps for a whole week before I was due to have my next period. Yes, that next period that never turned up! We did a pregnancy test the day after my period was due, which came up positive straight away & off started the story of Noah Constant, we were PREGNANT.
Bump Numero 2 Story
We didn’t think that we would be as lucky as our first time around, we wanted a small gap between Noah and the next one and we discussed that 18 months was the smallest gap, but to be prepared for a larger gap if we were not successful in concieving. I did the same as with Noah, looked into the dates when it was good to try and come July 2011 we did! It was the day of Noah’s christening when we discovered that we really were pregnant, as I was a day late, I am always very good with my dates, so we did a test on the Monday and guess what?? First time lucky again, we were pregnant with numero 2 and 25 weeks later, here we are…
We know that we are extremely lucky to have experienced conception, pregnancy and birth the way we have, as not everyone has had it as streamlined. I do sympathise with anyone that isn’t as lucky as we have been, but there is help out there and support groups for everyone! The best advice I can give (as someone who hasn’t gone through this), is don’t feel you are alone and make sure you do get support, keep trying and it will happen!!!
One Born Every Minute is on Wednesday evenings, Channel 4 at 9pm, or you can catch up on Channel 4’s website: http://lifebegins.channel4.com/