This is a beautiful 2 piece baby boy sock and bib cupcake from my range of Constant Cakes! The 2 piece cupcake is the perfect gift for a baby boy, it can come in all sizes, so perfect for any time of year, for any event.

The cupcake fits into a cupcake case, so could be displayed on any cupcake related item.

Comes in cupcake display box. If you order more than 1, these will be put into larger cupcake boxes, unless specified. Please note additional charges will apply.

£4.50 [wp_cart:sockandbibboy:price:4.50:end]

The Ingredients

  • 1 x Boy Bib
  • 2 x pair of Boys socks
[nggallery id=2 template=wp-estore]
If you would like something similar to this, but have various ideas about things to change, add or remove then please do email me on


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Last Update: Saturday, 30th June 2012