We recently stayed at Domaine des Ormes, courtesy of Eurocamp, it is an idyllic family resort nestled in the heart of Brittany. While there’s plenty to do on-site, the surrounding area offers even more attractions and activities to enhance your visit. These are my top 5 recommendations for day trips near to Eurocamp Domaine des Ormes:

Visit the Historic Town of Dol-de-Bretagne

Just a short drive from Domaine des Ormes, Dol-de-Bretagne is a charming medieval town with narrow streets, timber-framed houses, and the impressive Saint-Samson Cathedral. Explore the local markets, boutiques, and cafes for a taste of Breton culture. So much history to discover from William the Conqueror and Henry II.

Explore Mont Saint-Michel

One of France’s most iconic landmarks, Mont Saint-Michel is a stunning island commune topped with a historic abbey. The unique tidal island is a must-see, offering breathtaking views, quaint shops, and rich history. Even in the rain it looked absolutely breathtaking. It costs €17 for a few hours parking and a chocolate crepe will cost €3.50. You can walk up to the island from the car park, walk around or get the free shuttle. There is an extra charge to go in to the Abbey itself. I really want to go back here one day. It is a 25 minute drive from Eurocamp Domaine des Ormes.

Discover the Coast at Saint-Malo

A bit further afield, the walled city of Saint-Malo boasts beautiful beaches, cobblestone streets, and a rich maritime history. Walk along the ramparts, visit the Saint-Malo Cathedral, and enjoy fresh seafood at one of the many seaside restaurants (if you are not vegetarian of course). It looks truly beautiful.

Relax at Cancale

Known for its oyster farms, the picturesque fishing village of Cancale is perfect for a relaxing day trip. Stroll along the harbour, sample fresh oysters straight from the sea, and take in the stunning coastal views. If you are not fussed about oysters there are plenty of other things to satisfy your appetite, there are lots of places to stop along the quay. There are lots of walks around the coastline and some of them you can see Mont Saint-Michel.

Enjoy Outdoor Activities at Combourg

Visit the town of Combourg, famous for its fairytale-like château. The surrounding countryside offers beautiful hiking and biking trails, ideal for outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore Brittany’s natural beauty. Experience the vibrant local markets in Combourg. These markets offer everything from fresh produce and seafood to handmade crafts and souvenirs, providing a true taste of Breton life.

Brittany is famous for its culinary delights. Be sure to try traditional Breton crêpes, galettes, and fresh seafood in the local restaurants and markets. Many towns and villages have charming eateries where you can savour the region’s specialties.

Whether you’re interested in history, nature, or simply enjoying the local culture, the area around Eurocamp Domaine des Ormes has something for everyone. Take the time to explore and you’ll discover the rich heritage and natural beauty that make Brittany a unique and enchanting destination.