You may have heard me talking about the #voiceofmums Cussons Mum & Me campaign recently and wondered what I am talking about and why am I making videos showing off just how crazy I am? Well it’s simple: Cussons are listening to us mums! So this is my time to be heard and share my favourite bathtime moments. But first, did you see the amazingly clever video that Cussons made using real mums…

The video inspired me to make our very own one, albeit not as good quality or clever as Cussons. But I like to be creative when I can. I absolutely love bathtime, it is the one time of day that I can guarantee there will be laughs and cute times. They do happen throughout the day but more so at bathtime. The children are just so happy in water, they would sit in the bath until it was freezing cold and their skin was wrinkled if you gave them the option too. This has been the case since they were babies, they love the water and I am really lucky that we have had no issues with that.

Here is our version of the Cusson’s Mum & Me video, they used the nursery rhyme ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ and we are using This Little Piggy. What do you think? Oscar? BAFTA? Thought not!

My favourite bathtime moments

There are so many to choose from I really am struggling to decide on which ones to bring up. I have videos of Isla when she was a baby in the bath playing in her baby bath about 6 months old and playing her I am taking the plug out game, these two videos make me so happy. They melt my heart. I know they are only basic videos but its the memories behind them that make me happy. I made this silly video when I was pregnant with Isla too, its footage of unborn Isla kicking my belly button on my YouTube.  We have some fabulous bath toys to play with, which help us learn our colours and counting. We sing songs and learn how to say words together. Bathtime usually consists of Daddy and I being silly whilst the children watch us thinking “they are NOT our parents”. I wish I did know what they think at times like that.

Cusson Mum & Me Head to Toe Wash


As part of this project, we got to try out the ultra mild Head to Toe wash with the little ones in the bath. The hints of camomile make it feel soft, soft when I touch the little ones skin and the lather is soft too. It feels like a toothpaste type of texture, thick but smooth and you can really feel the difference when it lathers up in your little ones hair. It sounds strange as a lather is a lather, surely, but this does feel better than other products that we have used. It smells devine. I love the baby smells, baby products included and this leaves my babies smelling fantastic. The great thing with this product, and probably it’s most popular factor: it is one bottle for bubbly baths, clean skin and cleaning hair. The shampoo element is awesome, lathers up really well and leaves their hair squeaky clean. It means I am not running all over the place, trying to make sure that one of the children haven’t picked up a bottle and are rubbing it in their eyes or squirting it up onto the ceiling. Oh no, that is never a true example of bathtime. Shhh. They will never know.


I did a little research for you today too, the fantastic Head to Toe wash is on offer in Tesco superstores, at half price. So I brought two!


So, what are your favourite bathtime moments and memories, I would love to hear all about them and what do you think of the new Head to Toe baby wash?


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Beauty & Fashion, reviews,

Last Update: Wednesday, 28th January 2015