The toys in this house are everywhere. It’s the smallest ones that cause me the most problems though: Lego! We’ve all seen that doodle online where the Mum is stepping on Lego all the time. That’s our house. Noah is a typical boy, loves his Lego and Cars. Isla loves her dolls and soft toys. Keeping them all tidy is hard work, so I like to make life easy by having the right storage. 

The children’s bedroom is currently a mess as we lost our play room a year ago due to a flood. So it’s all the more important to have the right storage in the bedroom. Here are some of the ways we have saved space: 

Soft toy hammock

This doesn’t take up any space in the bedroom as it hangs from the walls near the ceiling. It keeps all of Isla’s soft toys in one place. She can see them from her top bunk too, so she can pick out the ones she wants to play with that day. Which is useful. These hammocks are a really cheap and quick way of creating storage space in the children’s bedroom. Especially if you have a soft toy fanatic. 

Lego storage boxes

We love the Lego storage boxes, we have quite a collection as does Noah with his Lego! They come in really handy because they hide away the Lego when he is not playing with it. The creations he makes we put on show on the shelving units in his room. Admittedly we need to have an entire wall of shelves, but that is on our to do list when we get our own house. There are a few different styles of boxes, but this drawer is a fabulous invention. It stacks with the other Lego storage but it has a drawer for all those loose bits of Lego. Genius idea. 

Bunk bed storage 

Because our house has a box bedroom, we utilise the space in the bigger bedroom and the children currently share. They have bunk beds to make more floor space and we use some fantastic storage options in their beds. Making sure they have handy night lights and books in their bed tidies, not only makes the room look tidy. But, they can grab them easily in the night when they want to read. Our night routine now is that the kiddies get into bed and read their books for 20 minutes, or until they fall asleep. They love it. 

If you have any great storage ideas for the children’s bedrooms, tidying those toys away Mum hacks, I would love to hear about them in the comments below or online @mummyconstant. 

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Last Update: Thursday, 19th July 2018