I recently saw this list of amazing foods that will help to put a smile on your face. Obviously I will not be trying the non-vegetarian options but the other foods sound delicious and they also bring out that happy feeling. Super foods are becoming increasingly popular and with fitness on the top of people’s minds these foods are sure to come in handy. 

1. Eggs

Scrambled, boiled or poached for breakfast?  β€œEggs are a great source of protein, which when broken down in the body will make amino acids and these are then used to make neurotransmitters to help keep our mood balanced,” says Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at www.superfooduk.com, the online shopping destination for health and wellbeing.

2. Nuts and seeds

Fancy a mid-afternoon snack? β€œSnack on nuts or seeds as these are a source of protein which are broken down in the body to make amino acids and then used to create neurotransmitters, which are responsible for keeping our mind and mood balanced,” explains Shona.


3. Dark Chocolate

Most people will tell you chocolate is their vice, but it can be a guilt free treat too.  β€œNew research has shown that eating a square of dark chocolate a day can relieve emotional stress. It’s the high quantity of antioxidants called falvonols, which are responsible for these positive effects. Stick with dark, organic, unprocessed chocolate for maximum benefits,” says Lily Soutter, Nutritionist and weight loss expert at www.lilysoutternutrition.com.

4. Natural Yoghurt

We’ve heard that probiotics are good for gut health, but now they make us happy too? β€œIt may sound strange, but our gut is now referred to as our second brain,” explains Lily. β€œEven stranger – 90% of serotonin is located within our gut, with only 10% in the brain. Our gut is jam packed full of bacteria which has a strong positive influence on serotonin production which relays information to the brain. No wonder probiotics can have such an effect on our happy hormones!”. Pick up a probiotic yoghurt with your lunch or mix it with berries and granola for a happy breakfast. Not a fan of yoghurt? No worries, you can get your probiotics other ways, such as taking it in supplement form. β€œI’d recommend taking a good-quality gut bacteria supplement such as Pro-Ven Probiotics’ Adult Probiotic 25 Billion (Β£13.95, Boots), which contains Lab4, the most comprehensively studied group of bacteria of any product in the UK,” explains Nutritionist Cassandra Burns.

5. Fish

Looking forward to a Friday fish dinner can put a smile on your face in more ways than one. β€œHealthy fats, especially those found in fish oils called omega 3’s are essential for brain health and mood. Our brain is 60% fat after all. Studies have shown an increase in blood levels of omega 3 fats, correlate with an increase in serotonin. This is down to the fact that omega 3 fats involved in building serotonin receptor sites”, says Lily. Her recommendations are oily fish such as wild salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines and anchovies.

6. Bananas

You may have heard of serotonin as the happy hormone, so it makes sense to fill yourself up on the foods that are rich in it, such as bananas. β€œBy boosting serotonin, we can ultimately boost our mood,” says Lily. Kiwis, plums, tomatoes and walnuts are also a good alternative, according to Lily.

7. Turkey

So how does this β€˜feel good’ brain chemical serotonin come about? β€œYour body makes serotonin from an amino acid called Tryptophan, which is an important amino acid for depression,” explains Dr Marilyn Glenville, the UK’s leading Nutritionist and author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar (www.marilynglenville.com). So how can we get our daily dose? Tryptophan occurs naturally in turkey, dairy products, dried dates and soya, to name but a few. If you want an extra happiness boost, think about how you eat these foods. β€œConsuming a small amount of carbohydrates with tryptophan rich foods can increase the absorption rate and conversion to serotonin”, recommends Lily.

8. Oats

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and starting your morning with a warming bowl of porridge could determine the way the rest of your day pans out, thanks to the vitamin B12 hit it provides. β€œVitamin B12 and other B vitamins are known to play a role in producing and stabilising mood boosting brain chemicals. An adequate intake is vital for that feel good factor,” advises Lily.

9. Cinnamon

When you’re feeling low, it’s so tempting to reach for the comfort food, but this is actually the worst thing you can do. β€œCarbohydrates and sugars are often termed β€˜comfort foods’ as they stimulate the release of happy neurotransmitters such as endorphins and dopamine”, explains Lily. β€œUnfortunately they only give us a temporary quick fix, and may stimulate further cravings”. Help us, how do we stop the cravings?! Lily recommends sprinkling a teaspoon of cinnamon onto food, or supping on cinnamon tea. β€œCinnamon helps to keep our blood sugar levels balanced, this minimizes insulin spikes which can lead to hunger and further carbohydrate cravings.”

10. Bonus tip: Sip on a green tea with your food

β€œGreen tea is an excellent healthy mood booster. It contains some caffeine, which gives you a bit of a lift, but also contains the amino acid theanine. Theanine can have a relaxing effect and may help to relieve anxiety and mental stress, potentially by increasing your levels of serotonin, dopamine (responsible for reward and pleasure), and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA, which has a relaxant effect),” explains Shona. 

Yoghurt image and nuts graphic by ShutterStock.

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